May Day-themed light show draws crowd

Writer:   |  Editor: Liu Minxia  |  From: Shenzhen Daily  |  Updated: 2023-05-03

Hundreds of thousands of people gathered last night at the Shenzhen Civic Square and atop Lianhua Hill to watch the May Day-themed light show delivered by 1.18 million sets of lights installed on 43 buildings in the Futian CBD.

The May Day-themed light show attracts a record number of viewers last night. Photos by Liu Xudong

The illuminated Civic Center. 

The May Day-themed light show attracts a record number of viewers last night. 

Viewers take photos of the light show last night. 

The May Day-themed light show attracts a record number of viewers last night. 

The May Day-themed light show attracts a record number of viewers last night. 

The May Day-themed light show attracts a record number of viewers last night.