
Path of governance for sage kings

Writer: Han Wangxi  |  Editor: Ye Shangqing  |  From: Shenzhen Daily

One day, Confucius was at home with his disciple Zeng Shen. Confucius said: “Those who hold high positions in society only hear ordinary remarks. They rarely come across the views from people of noble character who understand how to govern and bring peace to the nation. If only I could explain the principles of achieving a successful reign to those in power, they would be able to govern the world without even leaving their homes.”

Zeng respectfully stood up and asked Confucius, “Sir, may I ask you what the principles are for achieving a successful reign?” Confucius did not immediately respond. Zeng became greatly anxious, adjusted his garment and stood aside.

After a while, Confucius let out a long sigh and turned to Zeng, saying, “May I have a discussion with you about the path of governance for sage kings?” Zeng said, “I am ignorant of this; please enlighten me, sir.” Confucius said: “Please sit down, and I will explain it to you. The so-called ‘path’ is the foundation of the world, and ‘virtue’ is the manifestation of righteous principles.

“Wise and enlightened rulers governed the people by implementing a system of rites and rituals, dividing the land and appointing officials to govern. In this way, virtuous and capable individuals would not remain undiscovered, and the ferocious and ruthless would have no place to hide. The appointed officials would regularly inspect and evaluate, promoting the virtuous and talented while dismissing those without virtue or talent.

“As a result, the virtuous and capable would feel content, while the unprincipled would be afraid. Compassion would be shown to the widowed and the orphaned, care provided to the lonely and destitute, and assistance given to the poor and helpless. People would be guided to demonstrate filial piety, respect the seniors and select talented individuals. If a country can achieve this, there will be no criminals in the world.

“Those in positions of power care for people as they would care for their own family, and people hold those in power in high esteem, akin to the affection for a mother. When this bond is strong, the commands from above will be obeyed by the people, measures will be effectively implemented, and the populace will appreciate the benevolent governance. Those in proximity are filled with admiration and loyalty, while those from afar are drawn to align themselves with such leadership. This represents the highest realm that politics can achieve.

“When the virtuous governance of a wise ruler is visible to people within the entire realm, the power will be enough to deter conflicts and there is no need to give rewards to people who will still support the government. The benevolent and compassionate ruler is then recognized and cherished by all the people, demonstrating the path of governance for a sage king.”

(The author is a cultural scholar.)

(Translated by Cao Zhen)

One day, Confucius was at home with his disciple Zeng Shen. Confucius said: “Those who hold high positions in society only hear ordinary remarks.