Consul general: Come and explore Brazil's diverse cultures

<p style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 15px;"> <video id="VideoPlay" width="95%" webkit-playsinline playsinline x5-playsinline controls preload="auto" controlslist="nodownload" poster="" src="" type="video/mp4" ></video> <br/>Discover a multicultural Brazil </p>

MPC convenes for high-quality development

The Fourth Session of the Seventh Shenzhen Municipal People's Congress (MPC), the annual meeting of the city's legislature, officially opened at the Civic Center this morning. About 500 lawmakers gathered to pool their wisdom on the city's high quality development.

Shenzhen volunteers embark on rescue mission in Türkiye

Shenzhen Rescue Volunteers Federation sent a six-member advance unit today to join a non-governmental team from China to aid the rescue operation in Türkiye, where powerful earthquakes hit Monday. Sülooğlu Süleyman, a Turkish soccer coach living in Shenzhen, is one of the members who left Shenzhen this afternoon on the rescue mission. Other five members, Chen Yuan, Yang Chao, Yang Chuanqi, Chen Tao and Dai Wei, are all experienced in earthquake rescue.

SZ ushers in key political season

Nearly 500 political advisers will offer their suggestions around the city's key work and popular social issues at the Third Session of the Seventh Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the CPPCC, which will last for two and a half days.