Catch Phrase | 祖安人(zǔ’ānrén)

Writer: Debra Li  |  Editor: Stephanie Yang  |  From: Shenzhen Daily  |  Updated: 2020-05-26


“祖安” (pinyin: zu’an) is the name of a China Telecom server used by a group of players of the popular game “League of Legends,” and “人” means “people.” This group of gamers are known for their tendency to be grumpy and to speak offensive language to others while playing. Therefore, people use the term “Zu’an people” to refer to those who are always grumpy and disrespectful toward others on the Internet.


A: 上周日本有个真人秀节目的演员自杀了。

Shàngzhōu rìběn yǒu gezhēnrénxiù jiémù de yǎnyuánzìshā le。

A Japanese reality show actress committed suicide last week.

B: 网络暴力太可怕了,大家应该一起呼吁,不要做祖安人。

Wǎngluò bàolìtàikěpà le, dàjiāyīnggāiyīqǐhūyù,búyàozuòzǔ’ānrén。

Cyber bullying has horrible effects on people, and we should call for everyone to stop speaking offensive language to strangers on the Internet.