Catch Phrase | 一发技(yīfājì)

Writer: Debra Li  |  Editor: Stephanie Yang  |  From: Shenzhen Daily  |  Updated: 2020-08-11


“一发” means “one shot,” and “技” means “skill.” This term originated in the Japanese language. Frequently used in the Chinese variety show “The Serious Gagmen” that features some popular comedians, the term refers to the skill of making people laugh with a few brief words, moves or facial expressions.


A: 听说你养了一只贵宾犬?

Tīngshuō nǐ yǎng le yīzhī guìbīnquǎn?

They told me that you’ve got a poodle for a pet.

B: 是啊。我上周陪朋友去宠物店给她的狗狗剪毛,被店里一只小狗的一发技逗笑了,然后就买回家了。

Shì a。Wǒ shàngzhōu péi péngyou qù chǒngwùdiàn gěi tā de gǒugou jiǎnmáo ,bèi diànlǐ yīzhī xiǎogǒu de yīfājì dòuxiào le,ránhòu jiù mǎi huíjiā le。

Yeah. I went with a friend to a pet shop to have her dog’s hair trimmed last week, and got amused by this funny little dog. Then I took him home.

A: 它会干什么?

Tā huì gànshénme?

What’s his funny thing?

B: 它会拱手作揖。

Tā huì gǒngshǒu zuòyī。

He can make a bow with paws folded in front while standing on his hind legs.