All humans have compassion — Mencius and his philosophy on kindness (5)
We continue on Mencius' theory of "four minds." His thoughts parallel Confucius', which emphasize benevolence, reflecting the quote "A benevolent man loves others." "Lunyu" ("Analects of Confucius") recorded Confucius' teachings on filial piety.
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All humans have compassion — Mencius and his philosophy on kindness (4)
Mencius admired Confucius and inherited his virtue and doctrines. "Lunyu" ("Analects of Confucius") begins with "Xue Er," focusing on self-examination and continues with "Wei Zheng," talking about governing states.
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All humans have compassion — Mencius and his philosophy on kindness (3)
​Mencius' political philosophy is based on benevolence. In a dialogue with King Xuan of Qi, he said, "Your majesty, can you accept a statement by someone who said, 'I am strong enough to lift something as heavy as 15 tons but not a feather. I can see the tip of a new down but not a cartload of firewood." The king replied, "No." Mencius then explained that one fails to make an effort so the feather is unable to be lifted, and one fails to use his sights so the cartload of firewood cannot be seen.
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All humans have compassion — Mencius and his philosophy on kindness (2)
"Shijing" (or "Classic of Poetry") says, "The heart is someone else's, but it is I who have surmised it." The saying is similar to Mencius' philosophy on kindness. He believes all humans are born with the capability to feel commiseration for others' sufferings. When someone is buried in misery or grief, or beams with joy, the person with him will feel for him and indulge in the same emotions.
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All humans have compassion — Mencius and his philosophy on kindness (1)
History records a vast period of time, so does culture, which also echoes down in our hearts. "Mencius," a Confucian text compiled by Mencius and his disciples, is a monograph we shall read and peruse.
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On credibility
Credibility is a fundamental quality in a person. Mencius said: "Honesty is meant by the way of heaven, and trying to be honest is a basic principle for humans." People need to follow their moral principles in their actions, and being honest can be the first step toward virtue. Morals are based on self discipline and honesty, and cannot be achieved by those who don't mean or act upon their words.
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Kindness is the core of human virtues
Humans are the essence of the universe. The baseline of being a man of virtue is to do good and stay away from evil. Following one's conscience, a person will sympathize with those in trouble and rejoice when they regain hope. He will never regret helping others. Kindness is the core of human virtues. Virtue is knowledge, according to Socrates, who believed reason to be the foundation of ethics. That, however, cannot fully explain what morals are about. The search for self-value and meaning in one's life is not limited to exploring the world.
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Treat others as you want to be treated
Tolerance is particularly important in modern society. We need to allow different opinions and ideas and try to make sense of them. We need to be kind and just, respect fellow human beings and help them when we can.
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