Your child's future higher education: what you should know

Date: 2016-11-14Writer: Share:


Here are the things you should know about international education and your child’s future higher education. 以下是关于国际教育和你的子女未来高等教育,你需要知道的信息。

You may be foreigners living in China, a mixed couple such as Chinese-foreigner, or both Chinese parents, and want to - or have to - send your child abroad for his/her higher education. Is your child prepared for that? How to best prepare? What are the so-called 21st Century Skills he/she needs to master in order to thrive professionally in our globally connected world? 你可能是在中国生活的外籍人士,中外文化背景的家庭,或者是想要送子女出国的中国家长。你的孩子准备好了吗?怎么样做全面的准备?你了解孩子在国际化环境中脱颖而出要掌握的21世纪必备技能吗?

What parents should know about international education before their children pursue higher education abroad will be presented during this seminar. Audience will have the chance to ask questions to professionals in the field. 在这次研讨会上,我们会讲解孩子去海外留学前的准备和知识。参加者还可以有机会请育领域专家解答相关的疑问。

This month, the European Chamber together with China Merchants Group (Shekou), is delighted to invite you to attend a seminar with a focus on international higher education, on the 24th of November from 9:00 A.M. to 11:30 A.M. in Shekou, at the Net Valley Club. 11月24日早上9点到11点30分在蛇口网谷企业家俱乐部,中国欧盟商会和蛇口招商局一起很荣幸的邀请你来参加国际高等教育为主题的研讨会。

This event is a neutral platform where knowledge from educational experts is shared and ideas are debated with the objective of helping the parents’ community to make smart choices for their kids’ higher education. 在这一次的活动平台上,来自教育领域的专家,会分析、讨论孩子未来的高等教育问题,帮助家长们正确的选择。

This event is only made possible thanks to the strong support from the two renowned international schools, QSI International School of Shenzhen and Shekou International School (SIS). 这次活动要感谢QSI国际学校和蛇口国际学校的大力支持。

At this event, you will learn about the following subjects 活动中,你将学到:

University admissions for expats and international students 国际生的大学录取

What kind of skills and qualities your child will need for university 孩子在大学高校需要的品质和技能

Which country to go to study? How to choose among different educational institutions, and issues of living abroad. 去哪个国家学习?如何选择?如何适应国外生活?

What international schools offer and preparations before going to colleges 哪个国际学校提供去海外大学的衔接课程

How to choose pre-college programs such as IB or AP 怎么准备大学前的学习课程,如IB和AP课程

21st century skills that companies would like to see from international profile graduates.现代企业用人单位希望国际毕业生拥有的21世纪必备技能。

The issues and benefits of being a TCK (Third Culture Kid). 第三文化子女遇到的问题和机遇。

Please submit your questions prior to the event (questionnaire submitted via Survey Monkey).在参加活动之前,请在这里参加一个高等教育调查问卷。

This event is also open to non-members, we welcome parents and anyone interested in higher education to join. After this event, we wish you would have a clearer understanding when facing your children’s education issues. 这次活动也会对非会员开发,我们欢迎家长和任何对高等教育感兴趣的人员参加。活动结束后,希望你们对子女未来教育有一个更加清晰的了解。


9:00-9:30 Registration and networking with refreshments. 登记,会前自由交流

9:30-9:35 Welcome remarks, Mr. Scott D’Alterio, Board Member of the European Chamber South China and Director of QSI International School of Shenzhen. 欢迎致辞由欧盟商会华南董事会成员和深圳QSI国际学校校长Scott D’Alterio先生发言

9:35-9:55 “Is traditional school enough?” Ms. Deborah Summers, Principal of Shenzhen American International School. 蛇口深美国际学校的Deborah Summers校长对传统学校的教育进行探讨

9:55-10:10 USA and Canadian Universities admissions and expectations, Mr. Scott D’Alterio, Board Member of the European Chamber South China and Director of QSI International School of Shenzhen. 深圳蛇口国际学校校长Scott D’Alterio为大家讲解美国以及加拿大的大学录取招生信息和大学所喜欢的学生是什么样的

10:10-10:25 Europe and the UK Universities admissions and expectations, Mr. Michael Clancy, High School Counselor of Shekou International School. 蛇口国际学校顾问Michael Clancy讲解英国和欧洲大学录取招生信息和所喜欢的学生是什么样的

10:25-10:40 The ideal Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne student profile,Ms. Shinn Teo, Admissions Officer of Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne, Switzerland. 瑞士洛桑酒店管理学院亚太区大中华区招生官Shinn Teo女士给大家分享瑞士著名酒店管理学院的理想学生档案

10:40-10:55 "Education Everywhere; Success Abroad" Presentation about issues and benefits of being a TCK (Third Culture Kid), Mrs. Lisa Sedlacek, Intensive English Coordinator at QSI International School of Shenzhen. 对于第三文化背景下成长的孩子遇到的挑战和机遇,深圳QSI国际学校的英语专家Lisa Sedlacek女士会详细说明

10:55-11:30 Q&A 来宾提问和解答时间


09:00 A.M. - 11:30 A.M. 24 November 2016年11月24日上午9-11:30点


The Net Valley Club 蛇口网谷企业家俱乐部


7F, Block B, 2nd Phrase of Keji Mansion, No.6 Gongye Road, Nanhai Avenue, Shekou, Nanshan District 深圳南山区蛇口南海大道1057号工业六路科技大厦二期B座7F


European Chamber Members and parents of children studying at the 3 supporting international schools in Shenzhen, QSI, SAIS and SIS: 100 RMB /person Others: 150 RMB/ person 欧盟商会会员和深圳QSI、SAIS和SIS的学生家长:100人民币/位。 其他参会者:150人民币/位


Registration is required to secure your seat. Please send the following information to Ping Rui Zhao, or you can register online if you are a member. 请务必提前注册来预订你的位置,请将下面的信息通过邮箱提供给赵平瑞 或者你也可以选择在中国欧盟商会官网的活动信息页面在线注册。

*Participant Name 参加人姓名

*Company Name: 公司名称

*Title 职位

*Contact Email and Mobile phone 联系邮箱和移动电话

*School your child is currently enrolled 你孩子目前就读的学校名称

*Invoice information: If you need an invoice (fapiao) for reimbursement, please provide us the invoice title and post address in Chinese. 发票信息:如果你需要报销发票,请提供发票抬头和中文邮寄地址。


Please go on this link to participate in a 10 question-survey to better understand the information you need related to international education and preparation for higher education. 请点击这里参加一个10个问题的简短问卷,以便能够更好了解你需要的高等教育信息。


You can pay at the day of the event using cash or WeChat Pay. The European Chamber can give you an official receipt or fapiao, and this will be sent to you by posting 10 working days after the event. 你可以选择在活动当天现场现金支付或者使用微信支付。中国欧盟商会可以提供活动回执或发票,在活动结束后10个工作日内以邮寄的方式给你。

Terms & Conditions注意

Events have limited seating so to ensure your attendance we encourage advance online registration and payment for all events. We cannot guarantee entry to anyone not registered in advance. 由于活动的名额有限,我们鼓励你提前在线注册和支付以保证你的席位。我们对于没有提前支付的人员,不能保证活动名额。

Cancellation Policy取消

If you cannot attend an event for which you have registered, please cancel your registration no later than one business day prior to the event. If you fail to notify us of your cancellation in a timely fashion, you will be charged for event costs. 如果你无法参加,请至少提前一个工作日以上通知欧盟商会取消。如果没有提前通知,你仍然将被收取活动的费用。


Editor: Jane Chen