Hong Kong ABCs (33): Civil service

Date: 2017-06-30Writer: Share:

The civil service is a permanent, honest, meritocratic, professional and politically neutral institution responsible to the chief executive. It supports the government in formulating, explaining and implementing policies, conducting administrative affairs, delivering public services, and undertaking law enforcement and regulatory functions. It provides staff for all government departments and other units of the administration.

The Civil Service Bureau has overall policy responsibility for the management of the civil service, including appointments, pay and conditions of service, performance management, manpower planning, training and development, staff relations, and conduct and discipline.

The government is also advised on civil service pay and conditions of service by three independent bodies: the Standing Committee on Directorate Salaries and Conditions of Service, the Standing Committee on Disciplined Services Salaries and Conditions of Service and the Standing Commission on Civil Service Salaries and Conditions of Service (SCCS).

The chief executive is advised on civil service appointments, promotions and discipline by the Public Service Commission, an independent statutory body set up under the Public Service Commission Ordinance.

In order to manage public resources prudently, the government keeps a watchful eye over the size of the civil service. New posts are created only when the need is justified and other means of providing services are not feasible. At the same time, due consideration is given to the need for additional manpower to deliver new and improved services.

A Civil Service Newsletter is published regularly to provide an added link with serving and retired employees. Staff commitment and performance are recognized through various commendation schemes to motivate the provision of high-quality services to the public.

(This section is dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return and the 20th anniversary of Shenzhen Daily, which will fall on the same day — July 1.)

Editor: Stephanie Yang