Interactive show ‘The Painted Garden’| Oct. 4-6

Date:2016-08-22    Share:

Italian dance group TPO will present “The Painted Garden,” an interactive and multimedia show, in Shenzhen.

“The Painted Garden” is a story about the creation of a wonderful imaginary garden. It is dedicated to dance and to the poetics of gardens where the colors of the natural landscape and the geometric harmonies merge and play with each other. Throughout the performance, children will be spontaneously invited onto the stage where they can interact with the dancers.

At the show, the stage will be projected onto a high-resolution, swinging and colorful palette — called the “magic carpet.”

The stage will be filled with sensors that respond to both movement and sound. Filled with surprising twists the show is a memorable adventure for children where they are not only able to observe the story of the wonderful garden but also are able to experience it themselves. New interactive and multimedia technology makes it possible to record every movement on stage in the form of images and sounds. The Italian company skillfully creates visually amazing worlds which provide children with an opportunity to fully participate in the creative process.


After the 60-minute show, there will be a parallel 60-minute workshop for the kids. Experts will guide the children to draw on paper what they have seen during the show.


Time: Oct. 4-6, 10 a.m., 3 p.m.; Oct. 4-5 also at 7 p.m.

Tickets: 600 yuan (1 adult + 1 kid, purchase before Aug. 31), 700 yuan (2 adults + 1 kid, purchase before Aug. 31), 700 yuan (1 adult + 1 kid, purchase after Aug. 31), 880 yuan (2 adults + 1 kid, purchase after Aug. 31)

Reservations: 400-610-3721

Venue: Huaxia Art Center, 1 Guangqiao Street, Overseas Chinese Town, Nanshan District (南山区华侨城光侨街1号华夏艺术中心)

Metro: Luobao Line, OCT Station (华侨城站), Exit B

(SD News)