The Sound of the Baltic Sea--Concert of Roman Kim and Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra


The concert jointly presented by the excellent Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra from the Baltic Sea and the Devil’s Violinist Roman Kim is another highlight of the music season.

Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra is one of the most favored orchestras by the greatest violinist in the 20th century, Yehudi Menuhin, with which he also cooperated the most frequently. In recent years, LCO has had the honor of being appreciated by the tycoon of classic music record companies, DG, which recorded and published Violin Concerto The Four Seasons, created by Vivaldi, for the orchestra. It is known as one of the most excellent chamber orchestras in the world by the European music circle.

Roman Kim, who is 25 years old and known as the 21st century’s Niccolo Paganini and the Devil’s violinist, is a most unique violinist in the world. His performance skills are excellent and unique, and his musical performance is true to life and as romantic as poetry.