Fantawild Animation plans to release a new Boonie Bears feature film Feb. 12, which had its release postponed during the Spring Festival season in 2020 due to disease control and prevention measures, the company told Shenzhen Daily yesterday.
Shenzhen has seen rapid growth in its economy and brand power despite the pandemic over the past year and released “Chinese Brands, Shenzhen’s Declaration" at the “brand and country” forum Aug. 22. Let's review the declaration on the last day of 2020 and wish Shenzhen brands better and stronger in the upcoming new year!
A company headquartered in Shenzhen has developed a global tracking system for cold-chain food and has made a public commitment to shoulder corporate social responsibility and ensure the safety of imported frozen food, reported.
Two Shenzhen-based companies, Huawei and Tencent, have won the Prizes for World Leading Technologies at the Light of Internet Expo of the 2020 World Internet Conference (WIC) that opened in Wuzhen, Zhejiang Province, on Sunday.
Over 30 agents and dealers of Huawei's Honor brand have acquired all business assets of the budget cellphone brand, according to a joint statement released on Tuesday.
Six Shenzhen companies, including Tencent, Montnets, Lexin, Xunlei, and iDreamSky, have entered the list of China’s Top 100 Internet Companies in 2020, according to a report released by the Internet Society of China.