From silver screen to gaming China levels up soft power
From silver screen to gaming China levels up soft power
In a move that has sent shockwaves across the global entertainment industry, Zhang Yimou is set to front the big-screen adaptation of the hugely popular Chinese sci-fi novel "The Three-Body Problem." The announcement has reignited intrigue worldwide into Liu Cixin' s celebrated book series following the Netflix TV adaptation release earlier this year.
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CPR and AEDs can actually save lives
CPR and AEDs can actually save lives
When 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie collapsed on the court during an Asian tournament in Indonesia’s Yogyakarta province Sunday evening, fate wasn’t on his side.
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Campaign on public weight management launched
Campaign on public weight management launched
Chinese authorities, including the National Health Commission (NHC) and the ministries of education and civil affairs, have issued a document to launch a three-year campaign on enhancing the public’s weight management.
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Public buses offer innovative services to woo passengers
Public buses offer innovative services to woo passengers
As Shenzhen' s Metro network continues its expansion with the addition of new lines over the years, the city' s public buses have faced increasing operational pressures due to a decline in ridership.
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Paris aims to host greenest ever Games
Paris aims to host greenest ever Games
This village was conceived as a neighborhood where people will actually live afterwards, said Georgina Grenon, the Paris 2024 director of sustainability.
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Young people embrace 'zero sugar' lifestyle
Young people embrace 'zero sugar' lifestyle
The “zero sugar” trend, initially from a healthy zero-sugar diet, has now extended beyond dining tables to the realm of social interactions, giving rise to the increasingly popular concept known as “zero sugar socializing.”
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Shang Palace presents Cantonese, Yangzhou morning tea
Shang Palace presents Cantonese, Yangzhou morning tea
Shang Palace, the esteemed Chinese restaurant at Shangri-La, Shenzhen, now offers a culinary fusion showcasing the rich traditions of Cantonese and Yangzhou morning tea.
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Staying safe from mosquitoes and ticks in summer
Staying safe from mosquitoes and ticks in summer
To avoid diseases like Lyme disease, dengue and malaria, it is important to prevent tick and mosquito bites in summer.
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